Summary of the changes of IMDG CODE 40-20(2021)

Amendment  40-20  edition(2021)  of  the IMDG  Code  which  may  be  used  on  an  optional  basis  from  1 January 2021 until it becomes mandatory on June 1 2022.

Note during this extended transitional period Amendment 39-18 (2018)can continue to beused.

The  changes of  the Amendment  40-20  harmonised with  the update  to  Model regulations,  21st edition.Below are some brief summary of the changes relatied with batteries:

Class 9 

  •  –  under Lithium  batteries,  the entry  for  UN 3536  has  lithium ion  batteries  or lithium metal  batteries  inserted  at  the  end;  under  ”Other  substances  or   articles  presenting  a  danger during transport…”,  the alternate  PSN  for UN  3363,  DANGEROUS  GOODS IN  ARTICLES,  is added;  the  previous footnotes  regarding  applicability of  the  Code  to  the  referenced substance  and  articles  have  also  been removed.

3.3- Special Provisions

  • SP  390-  –  applicable  requirements   for  when  a  package  contains   a  combination  of  lithium batteries contained in equipment and lithium batteries packed with equipment.

Part 4:Packing and Tank Provisions

  • P622,applying to waste of UN 3549 transported for disposal.
  • P801,applying to batteries of UN 2794, 2795 and 3028 has been replaced.

Part 5:Consignment procedures

  •,–  the size specifications for the lithium battery mark have been amended and slightly reduced and can now be square in shape. ( 100*100mm / 100*70mm)
  • In, unpackaged SCO-III  is now included in the requirements  to display a UN Number on the consignment .

With  regards  to  documentation, the  information  which  supplements  the  PSN  in  the  dangerous  goods description section,, has  been amended.  Firstly,  subparagraph .6  is now  updated to  specifically

reference  subsidiary hazards  as well,  and  the exemption  from this  for  organic peroxides is  removed.

There is  a  new sub-paragraph  .7 requiring  that when  lithium  cells or  batteries are  offered for  transport under special  provision  376 or  special provision  377, “DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE”,  ”LITHIUM  BATTERIES FOR DISPOSAL” or  ”LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR RECYCLING”  must be indicated  on the dangerous  goods transport document.

  • 5.5.4,  There  is a  new  5.5.4  relating  the applicability  of  the  provisions  of the  IMDG  Code  for dangerous  goods  in  equipment   or  intended  for  use  during   transport  e.g.  lithium  batteries,  fuel   cell cartridges contained in equipment such as data loggers and cargo tracking devices, attached to or placed  in packages etc.


Less headline changes than normal Amendments  resulting from the restrictions imposed on IMO meetings due  to  the coronavirus  pandemic,  impacting  the  normal  work  agenda. And  the  final  complete  version  still

unpubliced, However we will keep you notice more detial when we receive the final version.

Post time: Dec-31-2020