Progress of the EU’s new Battery Law delegated act


The progress of the delegated acts related to the new EU Battery Law is as follows



Plan for


行为Type of act


Batteries for electric vehicles – carbon footprint label classes (delegated act)


The Battery Regulation includes life-cycle carbon footprint requirements for several categories of battery, the details of which have to be set out in implementing legislation. To implement the carbon footprint requirements for electric vehicle batteries, this act specifies the carbon footprint label classes for these batteries.

Delegated regulation


Waste batteries – format to be used by national authorities reporting on collection and treatment


EU legislation on batteries requires authorities in EU countries to report to the Commission the amount of batteries supplied and collected on their territory, by category and chemistry. They also have to report on rates of recycling efficiency and recovery of materials, and provide a quality check report. This initiative will establish the formats to be used, to ensure uniform conditions for the reporting.

Implementing regulation


Industrial batteries – carbon footprint methodology (delegated act)


The Battery Regulation includes life-cycle carbon footprint requirements for several categories of battery, the details of which have to be set out in implementing legislation. This act lays down the methodology for calculating and verifying the life-cycle carbon footprint for industrial batteries with a capacity greater than 2 kWh, except for those with external storage.

Delegated regulation


Sustainable batteries: recognition of battery due diligence schemes (information requirements)Note: Battery due diligence applies to companies with a net turnover greater than EUR 40 million in the financial year.


The Battery Regulation requires companies to carry out their due diligence to address the societal and environmental risks posed by four key minerals (cobalt, natural graphite, lithium and nickel) in the batteries that they place on the EU market. 


Implementing regulation


Sustainable batteries: assessment/recognition of battery due diligence schemes (criteria and methodology)


The Battery Regulation requires companies to carry out their due diligence to address the societal and environmental risks posed by four key minerals (cobalt, natural graphite, lithium and nickel) in the batteries that they place on the EU market.For this, recognised due diligence schemes are key.

This act lays down the criteria and methodology that the Commission will use to assess and recognise battery due diligence schemes.

Delegated regulation


Waste treatment – Amendment to the European List of Waste to address waste batteries and wastes from treating them


To help manage waste, the European List of Waste provides common terminology for classifying waste across the EU, including hazardous waste.The Commission intends to revise this list to take account of new battery chemistries and fast-changing manufacturing and recycling processes. Its aim in doing so is to improve the identification, monitoring and traceability of the different waste streams and clarify their status as hazardous/non-hazardous waste.

Delegated decision


Calculation and verification methodology of rates for recycling efficiency and recovery of materials of waste batteries


The Battery Regulation requires the EC to establish a method to calculate and verify the efficiency of battery recycling processes and recovery of materials. The objective is to support the circular economy in the battery sector and ensure high quality of recovery of materials, especially of critical and strategic raw materials. The calculation and verification methodology is important to ensure a level playing field between recyclers and provide legal certainty on requirements within the EU.

Delegated regulation


Batteries for electric vehicles – carbon footprint methodology

Feedback period

April 30 – May 28, 2024

The Battery Regulation includes life-cycle carbon footprint requirements for several categories of battery, the details of which have to be set out in implementing legislation. As a first step in implementing the carbon footprint requirements for electric vehicle batteries, this act lays down the methodology for calculating and verifying their life-cycle carbon footprint.

Delegated regulation


Batteries – format of carbon footprint declaration The Battery Regulation includes life-cycle carbon footprint requirements for several categories of battery, the details of which have to be set out in implementing legislation.This act specifies the format that companies need to use when declaring the carbon footprint of their batteries.

Implementing regulation

Among them, electric vehicle battery-carbon footprint method, carbon footprint declaration format, electric vehicle carbon footprint label classification, and industrial battery-carbon footprint method need to be focused on.

Post time: Sep-23-2024