Lately released standards


From those standard websites like IEC and Chinese government., we found there are few standards related to batteries

and its equipment are released, among them those China’s industry standards are in the process for approval, any

comments are still acceptable. See below list:

Lately released standards

In order to keep up with the country’s development of 5G and carbon neutrality, a series of related standards such as

communications, vehicle battery recycling, and energy storage batteries have recently been released.

QC/T 1156-2021 is the first technical standard for cell disassembling. For the first time, the standard mentions the con

cepts and calculation formulas of recycling such as recycling rate and stripping rate. The national standard for recycling

management is still on process. QC/T 1156-2021.

We will pay close attention to the development of recycling standards and will share with you in time.

※ Source:

1、Industry standards–comment

2、Communication standards-comment

Related links:

1、Interpretation of the series of national standards for green supply chain management

2、Consultation letter on the formulation of the “Technical Specification for Fire Safety Testing of Lithium-ion Battery Energy

Storage Systems” group standards (Feedback beore may 12th. )

Post time: May-27-2021