Domestic: The new version of GB/T 31486 will be released soon


The GB/T 31486-2015 standard is the main testing standard for power batteries and motorcycle batteries in my country’s automotive industry. This standard involves the performance testing of battery products. In recent years, with the rapid development of batteries/electric vehicles, some test conditions of this standard are not applicable to actual situations and need to be revised.

The new version of GB/T 31486-XXXX “Electrical Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Power Batteries for Electric Vehicles” is currently in the approval stage and is expected to be released in the near future. Compared with the 2015 version, the changes in this version mainly involve test objects, environmental conditions, charge and discharge current, etc. There are the following changes:

1. The test object is changed from battery cells and battery modules to battery cells;

2. The environmental conditions room temperature and humidity range have been modified from room temperature 25℃±5℃ and relative humidity 15%~90% to room temperature 25℃±2℃ and relative humidity 10%~90%. At the same time, environmental adaptation conditions and high and low temperature test chamber requirements are added;

3. The high-temperature discharge capacity test temperature has been modified from leaving at 55℃±2℃ for 5h and discharging at 55℃±2℃ to environmental adaptation at 45℃±2℃ and discharging at 45℃±2℃. ;

4. The storage time has been modified, and the storage time has been changed from 28d to 30d;

5. The charge and discharge current has been modified, changing the charge and discharge current 1I1 (1h rate discharge current) to not less than 1I3 (3h rate discharge current);

6. The number of test samples has been increased, and the number of battery cell type test samples has been increased from 10 to 30;

7. Added test process error, data recording and recording interval requirements;

8. Added internal resistance test;

9. Increase the range requirements for charge retention capacity, recovery capacity and energy efficiency, requiring the range to be no greater than 5% of the average;

10. Deleted vibration test.

Relevant companies also need to learn more about the changes in the new standard and prepare as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact MCM.


Post time: May-10-2024